New UArizona Health Sciences Undergraduate Degree To Prepare Students For Health Care Careers

Students in the Bachelor of Science in Medicine program will gain human medical science knowledge and clinical reasoning skills in four areas of emphasis: medical technology; basic medical sciences; medicine and society; and integrative and practice-focused medicine.

A new Bachelor of Science in Medicine expands opportunities for students to pursue jobs in health care, where demand for trained professionals is rising. Traditional science coursework ­– advanced anatomical, biochemical, neurological and physiological sciences, disease pathology, mechanisms of treatment and integrative therapies – will be combined with applied topics, such as what it means to be a health care provider, clinical case analysis, health care delivery to improve quality care, and hands-on experience through simulation and clinical experiences. Each session will have a specialist from those different fields to talk and lead that group, and the students will approach each case from a different discipline,” Dr. Todd Vanderah said. “This degree program will give students an idea of what the practice of medicine is while also offering many other avenues in the health care field.