Clara N Curiel

Clara N Curiel

Director, Cutaneous Oncology Program
Division Chief, Dermatology
Member of the Graduate Faculty
Professor, BIO5 Institute
Professor, Medicine - (Tenure Track)
Primary Department
Department Affiliations
(520) 626-0307

Research Interest

Clara Curiel-Lewandroski, PhD, is the director of the Pigmented Lesion Clinic and Multidisciplinary Cutaneous Oncology Program, both part of the University of Arizona Cancer Center Skin Cancer Institute. She completed two research fellowships, the first in the Department of Dermatology at Harvard Medical School, and the second at the Ludwig Boltzman Institute and Immunobiology of the Skin at Miinster University in Germany. Dr. Curiel is certified by the American Board of Dermatology.Dr. Curiel-Lewandroski’s research focus is on melanoma chemoprevention, early detection of melanoma, cutaneous T cell lymphomas and skin cancer. She studied the extended use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, particularly aspirin, and their ability to possibly decrease the risk of cutaneous medanoma (CM) development. CM is responsible for more than 77 percent of skin cancer deaths.


Richtig, E., Asslaber, M., Partl, R., Avian, A., Berghold, A., Kapp, K., Preusser, M., Becker, J. C., & Curiel-Lewandrowski, C. (2015). Lack of P-glycoprotein expression in melanoma brain metastases of different melanoma types. Clinical neuropathology.
LaPresto, L., Cranmer, L., Morrison, L., Erickson, C. P., & Curiel-Lewandrowski, C. (2013). A novel therapeutic combination approach for treating multiple vemurafenib-induced keratoacanthomas: systemic acitretin and intralesional fluorouracil. JAMA dermatology, 149(3), 279-81.
McKenzie, N. E., Saboda, K., Duckett, L. D., Goldman, R., Hu, C., & Curiel-Lewandrowski, C. N. (2011). Development of a photographic scale for consistency and guidance in dermatologic assessment of forearm sun damage. Archives of dermatology, 147(1), 31-6.
BIO5 Collaborators
Clara N Curiel, Chengcheng Hu

To develop a photographic sun damage assessment scale for forearm skin and test its feasibility and utility for consistent classification of sun damage.